Michele Zanoni
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Techno Food 2.0
sabato 12 dicembre 17-20
via garofoli, 299 – 37057 san giovanni lupatoto (vr)
da sabato 12 dicembre
piazza delle erbe – 36100 vicenza
Techno Food 2.0

Food becomes technological through logo deconstruction. Technological food also becomes food for thought: We should reconsider both what we eat and our apparent freedom of choice.
Michele Zanoni’s choice goes against the concept of perfection promoted by the industry, which puts the values of genuineness, simplicity, and spontaneity that belong to nature on the back burner, in favour of advertising and business.
You may say that these signs are just everywhere and this makes us immediately recognise Techno Food canvases when we see them for the first time, because they have always been part of our imagination.
Every subject is available in 7 handmade copies. Dimensions: 50 x 50 cm, 100 x 100 cm, 200 x 200 cm.
Michele Zanoni deals with diverse disciplines and styles. Before being an architect, a designer or a visual artist, he is a good observer: Every creative process he starts stems from an accurate examination of what surrounds him, and he enjoys experimenting with both materials and technologies. He works and lives in Milan.
I Cartons de Tapisserie su AREAARTE

AREAARTE presenta un articolo sui Cartons de Tapisserie della Collezione Alvy. Buona lettura
Meeting internazionale di Atletica Leggera

51° Palio della Quercia - Rovereto 8 settembre 2015 Per vedere Justin Gatlin dal vivo!
Techno Food @ Rustioni & Partners

Techno-Food Projects @ Rustioni & Partners Real Estate Advisor. In the project Techno Food food is a technological food: in a series of paintings with a strong pop aesthetic, the logo of important majors are broken up in order to create names of fruits or of other kind of food. It invites to reflect not only about food but on the whole industrial process: what we percieve as natural is indeed completely artificial.
All canvas are available in 7 signed copies for every subject in 50 x 50 cm, 100 x 100 cm, 200 x 200 cm. Please ask for a quotation.
Techno Food @ BYS Milano Restaurant

Techno-Food Projects @ Bys Milano Restaurant. In the project Techno Food food is a technological food: in a series of paintings with a strong pop aesthetic, the logo of important majors are broken up in order to create names of fruits or of other kind of food. It invites to reflect not only about food but on the whole industrial process: what we percieve as natural is indeed completely artificial.
All canvas are available in 7 signed copies for every subject in 50 x 50 cm, 100 x 100 cm, 200 x 200 cm. Please ask for a quotation.
AmpliDock per EXPO 2015
Il 20 aprile è stato presentato il progetto AmpliDock a Monza in Villa Reale alla presenza del Min. Martina (Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, con delega ad Expo).